Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hot Coffee or Tea may reduce the Risk of MRSA

1393520490-9149551668_60a0060bc4A new study has shown that drinking hot tea or coffee provides antimicrobial properties and reduces the risk of carrying methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the nasal passages. The results of the study published in the Annals of Family Medicine says that people who have hot beverages like coffee or tea are  50% less likely to have MRSA in the nasal passages when compared to people who do not have hot tea. The risk does not reduce with soft drinks and iced tea.
Eric Matheson, MD, an assistant professor of family medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, reports that the more tea or coffee they drank, the lower the risk of MRSA. These bacteria are resistant to most antibiotics and can cause illness when they come in contact with an open skin. The risk of illness and infection increases in people who have a weak immune system. The most fatal infections are noted in people who have acquired MRSA from hospitals.
Although the study shows that drinking hot coffee or tea is associated with lower chances of having MRSA it does not show a cause and effect relationship. According to Matheson, the next study should focus on the effects of coffee or tea on people who have MRSA. Some of the compounds in the tea or coffee may have antimicrobial properties which may help to weaken or destabilize the bacteria, adds Matheson. When the beverage is iced the compound loses its property as they are more soluble in higher temperatures. “It is also possible that these antimicrobial compounds are inhaled through the vapors of hot coffee or tea”, says Matheson.
For people who are working in the healthcare setting and do not have the habit of drinking tea or coffee, it would be better if they started using it, suggest researchers. According to Bruce Hirsch, MD, an infectious disease expert at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, this is a very interesting finding and should be explored further. He says that one cannot change the habits or recommend a change with this one finding. Philip Tierno, PhD, director of clinical microbiology and immunology at the New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City, is not very convinced with the effect of hot coffee and tea in reducing the number of MRSA. He agrees that tea and coffee has antimicrobial properties, but MRSA does not respond to antibiotics which has massive microbial properties. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Good Look at Cataract Surgery and Eye Health with Dr. George Waring IV

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Cataracts has become the leading cause of blindness in aging adults over 40 in the United States. Cataracts is a gradual opaque cloud that forms over the eye, causing vision to seem foggy. This mist is a result of proteins in the lens clumping together. Unfortunately there are no natural ways to fight cataracts, but a healthy diet and exercise can safeguard you against the disease. The best way to rid yourself of Cataracts is surgery, when a prescription doesn't help. In this episode, expert cataract surgeon Dr. George Waring IV shares his insight into cataracts and cataract surgery and how to avoid it all!

Friday, December 19, 2014

According to a new study published in the Archives of Surgery, family members of people who had weight loss surgery adopted healthier lifestyle and eating habits. All the members in the family were active for over a year after the surgery and moreover, overweight members in the family lost an average of 8 pounds during the same period.
In Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is reduced into a small pouch and connected to the middle of the small intestine, bypassing the rest of the stomach and the anterior parts of the intestine. Gavitt A. Woodard, MD, and colleagues from Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, says that bypass surgery for one person provides additional benefits to the family members by improving their weight, eating habits and activity levels. This may be very significant in containing childhood obesity, say researchers, as having an obese parent is one of the biggest risk factors for childhood obesity. The obesity rate in children whose mother had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery reduces by 52% when compared to children born to mothers before having the surgery.
In this study, 35 people who had gastric bypass surgery and their family members were observed for their lifestyle changes. They also recorded the lifestyle habits of 15 children below the age of 18 among the family members. The weight loss of the participants who underwent the surgery was typical of those who had a gastric bypass. Researchers noted that the weight loss among the obese adult family members were also significant – from 234 to 226 pounds. The waist circumference decreased considerably in the obese family members.
The results also show that the growth curve of the obese children in the family had a lower BMI than expected during the first year after the surgery. This was not very significant when compared to the adults. The lifestyle habits of the participants and their family members also improved considerably after the surgery. This includes:
  • Uncontrolled and emotional eating was reduced considerably among the people who had the surgery.
  • Emotional eating and overeating reduced among the adult family members also.
  • Children of the people who had the surgery had more chances of being on diet.
  • Physical activity of the children in the family of the people who had the surgery increased considerably.
Researchers feel that when one member in the family takes up a healthy lifestyle others follow automatically which helps to improve the overall health in the family.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What is Endometriosis? With Dr. Ken Sinervo

Did you know that most women with endometriosis experience symptoms up to 10 years before being diagnosed? According to the Endometriosis Foundation of America, almost 176 million suffer from endometriosis across the globe and 8.5 million in North America.
In this week's episode Dr. Ken Sinervo talks about endometriosis warning signs and available treatment options. 
Dr. Ken Sinervo, M.D., MSc, ACGE, FRCSC
Dr. Sinervo is the Medical Director of the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta, Georgia. The recipient of such awards as the Dr. Fred Douglas Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medicine and the University of Western Ontario Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Research Day Award, Dr. Sinervo is a pioneer in laparoscopic excision (LAPEX), which he has developed alongside Dr. Albee.
Dr. Sinervo is recognized by patients and colleagues for improving the lives of his patients and making waves by offering and developing the latest in cutting-edge care when it comes to treating endometriosis.

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Cavemen Had it Wrong: Red Meat Increases the Risk of Death

According to a new study, people who eat less amount of red meat have lower risk of death when compared to people who have more of processed foods like bacon, hot dogs and sausage. In this study, the researchers from Harvard analyzed the diet of more than 120,000 people who are participating in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study and the Nurses’ Health Study. The results of the study are published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Once in four years the participants answered a questionnaire about their eating and other habits like smoking, drinking, and exercise, and also about their body weight. The average age of the participating men were 50 years and that of women were 45 years. The researchers found that people who ate more of red meat as in beef, pork or lamb, were more likely to die of diseases like cancer and heart problems when compared to people who had very less intake of red meat.
The analysis show that daily serving of 3-ounce red meat increases the risk of death due to heart diseases by 18% and that due to cancer by 10%. Processed meats are even more dangerous. Having two slices of processed meat daily increased the risk of death due to heart disease by 21% and that due to cancer by 16%. Researcher An Pan, PhD, a research fellow in the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, says that processed meat is more harmful than unprocessed, fresh meat.
The risk of death by these conditions can be reduced by replacing red meat with lean proteins like fish, chicken, nuts, low-fat dairy, whole grains, or beans. Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, a professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University, says that substituting red meat with any other food materials will reduce the risk of death considerably. “The study has very clearly showed that red meat should be substituted with a variety of other foods including nuts”, claims Nestle.
Dean Ornish, MD, founder and president of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, and clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, also agrees to the fact that such lifestyle changes really make a difference. According to him, it would be better if one could change into a total plant-based diet. Small changes like replacing chicken for beef, of fish for chicken may also help to reduce the risk.
Some people strongly disagree with the results saying that such observational studies cannot prove the cause and effect. According to Shalene McNeill, PhD, RD, executive director of Human Nutrition Research for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a responsible dietary advice should be derived from the complete body of evidenced including standard randomized control trials when they are available.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine with Dr. Ofri

On this week’s FindaTopDoc Radio, we are discussing What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine, featuring Bellevue Hospital’s Dr. Danielle Ofri! Dr. Ofri not only treats patients, but she is also an avid writer on Doctor-Patient relationships. Her work has been featured in magazines such as the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, and on and National Public Radio.
Other works of hers include:
  • What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine
  • Medicine in Translation: Journeys with my Patient
  • Incidental Findings: Lessons from my Patients in the Art of Medicine
  • Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Juice and Health

Having fresh juice is a popular choice for many people – one who is on diet, one who is tired, or one who just wants to have a healthy snack. How many of us know about the drawbacks and benefits of having a juice? How good is it for cleansing the system or for weight loss? Here are few details which may be of help in answering those questions.
According to Jennifer Barr, a dietician from Wilmington, an occasional glass of fresh juice can be a healthy option for snacking. The favorites in her list are carrots, ginger, parsley, kale and apples. She remembers to add the left over pulp in the muffins. She feels that it is a very good way to have fruits and vegetables if one is not a fan of them. “A fresh juice helps to meet the daily recommendations of fruits and vegetables”, says Barr, MPH, RD, LDN, who works at Wilmington’s Center for Community Health at Christiana Care Health System.
“Juice should not be considered as the sole source of fruits and vegetables”, cautions Manuel Villacorta, MS, RD, CSSD, an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesman and founder of Eating Free, a weight management program. Try to include two whole fruits and three to four vegetables in the diet every day. Choose a variety of colors as different colors have different vitamins and minerals.
Juicing may remove the pulp from the fruit, which contains lots of fiber. Further making a juice in a machine removes most of the minerals and vitamins from the whole fruits and vegetables as the nutrient rich skin is not used. One can add the left over pulp into the juice or add it in a different recipe. Barr uses the pulp from spinach, kale, flaxseed, celery and pears while making broth for cooking soup, rice and pasta. This helps to fortify the meals further. Some of the juicers further break down the fruit by grinding the core, rind and seeds.
According to Villacorta, a juicer is not needed to make a juice. A blender is all that is needed for most of the fruits and vegetables to keep the fiber. Do remember to remove the skin, rind or the seeds when needed.
Just like any other food, one should be careful about the calorie count in a juice too. A medium sized fruit contains about 60 calories. A cup of vegetables adds up to 25 calories while 3 cups of leafy green vegetables has 25 calories. Four ounces of fruit juice provides 60 calories and a typical juice is usually 12 to 16 ounces. One generally takes up to 4 fruits for making juice and the calories add up. If it is an all fruit juice, calories are the real concern, says Villacorta. One can make a more balanced juice by adding some almond milk, Greek yogurt, flaxseed or peanut butter.
There are few safety guidelines to be followed while making juices. These include:
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching fruits and vegetables
  • Wash the fruits also thoroughly
  • Clean the blender using hot, soapy water and dry it completely before putting it away. This will prevent bacterial growth.
  • If the juicer is cleaned in dishwasher, use the sanitize cycle
  • Do not keep the juice for more than a week. It is always better to have the juice on the same day.
Juices are supposed to have a number of health benefits. Some say that juicing can reduce the risk of cancer and boost the immune system. Although plant-based products are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer, no specific studies has been done linking the intake of juices and these diseases. There are some studies which have looked into the intake of juice and the functioning of immune system. Any changes in the working of the immune system would have been probably due to the vegetables and fruits rather than the juice, says Barr.
Some are of the opinion that juicing helps to absorb the nutrients better than eating the whole fruits and gives the digestive system rest from digesting the fiber. Villacorta says that the nutrients might not have the same potential as it has been processed by juicing. Although fiber can sometimes block the absorption of nutrients, many people do not get the recommended quantity of fiber in their diet. It is also better to discuss with the doctor before starting juices in the diet to avoid any potential interactions between the juice and medications. “For example, taking large amounts of food containing vitamin K like kale and spinach may affect the functioning of anti-clotting medications”, says Barr.
Many consider juicing as an essential part of weight loss programs. A full-juice diet may not provide the recommended dose of fiber to make you feel full. This gives the temptation to eat a cake or a chocolate as the amount of food did not give a full feeling. The protein of protein that you get also may be limited. Dieting with only juice may give the risk of losing muscle mass. Many studies have shown that adding proteins is essential to preserve muscle mass during weight loss. “Moreover, extreme diet slows down the metabolism and when the person gets back to the normal routine, they will be prone to building fat cells”, says Villacorta. According to him, there are no studies that support the view that having juice helps to cleanse the system.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to Get What You Want in Career and Life with Dr. Mark Buckner - FindaTopDoc Radio

A motivational speaker and emergency medicine physician, Dr. Buckner is the perfect person to talk to about career goals and life. Not only is he a successful entrepreneur, but he’s also a self-proclaimed family man who has mastered the art of work/life balance. In this candid episode, our host Kathryn Zox picks Dr. Buckner’s brain to find out how Dr. Buckner got where he is today and how he teaches others to do the same. How to Get What You Want in Career and Life with Dr. Mark Buckner is a must-listen!

Mark Buckner, MD, FAAEM, works at One Medical Inc. in Sherman, Texas. One Medical is a walk-in clinic, specializing in a variety of services including emergency services. Dr. Buckner also served as Chief of Medicine and Director of the emergency room at Texoma Medical Center from 2006 to 2011. You can visit his practice website at Dr. Buckner is a motivational speaker and practicing emergency room medicine physician, amongst many other things. He is also a devoted husband and father, owns his own business, loves to run marathons, hike, and enjoys spending time with family.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Reduce Your Risk of Stroke

You have always heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but now studies show that white-fleshed fruits such as apples and pears can also dramatically decrease your risk of stroke.
Dutch researchers have found a strong link between a reduction in the risk of stroke and eating white-fleshed fruits and vegetables. A significant reduction in the risk of stroke was noted in an analysis of self reported information from approximately 26,069 people in the age group of 20 to 65 years. All the participants reported their eating habits and their medical history. None of them had any previous record of heart diseases or stroke. Follow up was conducted for a period of 10 years during which 233 people had a stroke. Analysis of data showed that the risk of stroke was lowered by 52% in those people who ate a lot of white-fleshed fruits and vegetables when compared to those who did not have it in their diet.
Study shows that even a small increase in intake of white-fleshed fruits, to the order of 25 grams per day, reduces the risk of the disease by 9%. Eating an apple which is approximately 120 grams can significantly reduce the risk of this life-threatening disease. Including other fruits with white flesh would help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases too. Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is the best option to keep the chronic conditions at bay. Some other foods that contain white flesh and help to reduce the risk of stroke include bananas, cauliflower, chicory, and cucumbers. White flesh of these fruits and vegetables shows the presence of beneficial chemicals such as carotenoids and flavenoids. About 55% of the white-fleshed fruits are apples and pears.
One of the drawbacks of the study is that most of the data was based on the memory of the participants, who recorded what they ate relying on their memory. This may affect the analysis and interpretation of data to a certain extent. The results of the study have to be taken into consideration with enough caution. These initial findings linking the color of fruits and reduced the risk of stroke may lead the way for further studies that may further confirm the findings so that a change in diet may be recommended.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Physician Review Kiosk

Aimed at serving the physicians’ needs regardless of specialty, the new Review Kiosk launched by and Anthony Casimano, is designed as an easy, in-office review system that acquires patient reviews in real-time immediately after an appointment.
The kiosk is accessed by patients from a tablet placed on the checkout counter to get reviews in seconds! 
With 72% of consumers trusting online reviews just as much as personal recommendations and 90% of people reading reviews when they want to buy a product or book a doctor’s appointment, it is very important that physicians are prepared to have enough positive reviews when patients are looking for them.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Nutrition Advice for Pancreatic Cancer and the aftermath of Whipple Surgery

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Today we would like to welcome Maria Petzel, a Clinical Dietitian with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Today we will be discussing Nutrition after Whipple Surgery and nutrition for those with Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer. As many of us know, November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month.

According to the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers.  Only 6% of patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer will survive more than five years. One theory that pancreatic cancer has a low survival rate, is because the symptoms may not be apparent until the cancer has already spread significantly.
One method of treatment is Whipple surgery, named after the first surgeon to perform the procedure, Allen Whipple. Whipple surgery consist of removing a significant portion of the pancreas next to the small intestines It also involves removal of the duodenum, a portion of the common bile duct, gallbladder, and sometimes part of the stomach. Afterwards, surgeons reconnect the remaining intestine, bile duct, and pancreas.
This is obviously a very intense surgery for a person to undergo, especially when recovering. It is critical for a person to consult with either a registered Dietitian or Doctor both before & after a surgical procedure.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

1390242046-AnesthesiaNeedleCoughing, sneezing, itchy eyes.  Can an allergy shot really be the answer?
Allergy shots or allergen immunotherapy is a method in which small amounts of allergens are introduced into the body to stimulate the immune system against the specific allergen without causing a full allergic reaction. This allows the body to get used to the specific allergen so that the next time when the body is exposed to the allergen, it causes less severe or very few allergic symptoms. Thus it is a way to reduce the sensitivity of the body towards allergens to provide long-term relief from allergic responses.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Understanding Dementia and Alzheimer’s with Dr. Daniel Potts

This week’s FindaTopDoc showfeatures our guest, Dr. Daniel C. Potts in helping us Understand Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Currently serving as Attending Neurologist at Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center, Dr. Potts is also Founder and President of Cognitive Dynamics Foundation and Medical Director at Dementia Dynamics.
Dr. Daniel C. Potts
Dr. Daniel C. Potts
Dr. Potts has also received six Patient Choice Awards and one of America’s Top Physicians. After graduating from Birmingham-Southern College, obtaining a degree in biology, he then went to the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. While studying at UAB, Dr. Potts became chief resident in neurology. Dr. Potts currently is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology for all of his contribution to his studies in neurological diseases.

Bought to you by & Anthony Casimano

Thursday, October 30, 2014

On your way out of the office, simply pick the doctor you just saw and leave a quick review!  It takes just seconds!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Patient Reviews Right From Your Office: 
The Find a Top Doc Review App is installed on a provided kiosk to be displayed on the counter near your receptionist.
Patients can now review you while they wait - or upon check out - it takes less than 10 seconds.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wine storage is moving to the upper floors with LED lights and glass walls

Anthony Casimano in the climate-controlled glass wine room of his Upper Brookville, N.Y., home.
For centuries, wine cellars have been dark, windowless spaces with bottles stuffed into cubbies, more function than form. But that doesn’t suit a new generation, for whom wine collecting is as much a social hobby as an investment strategy.
Mr. Casimano’s wine room as seen from the kitchen. The room is also viewable from the great room and the hallway.
Mr. Casimano’s wine room as seen from the kitchen. The room is also viewable from the great room and the hallway. CLAUDIO PAPAPIETRO FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Mr. Casimano’s wine room as seen from the kitchen. The room is also viewable from the great room and the hallway.CLAUDIO PAPAPIETRO FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNALFor these collectors, the cellar needs to be a showpiece, maybe with single-paned glass, LED lights and clear sleeves that put labels on display. And befitting their elevated status, sometimes these spaces aren’t in the basement at all. “They’re not wine cellars anymore,” said Robert Bass, president of Greenville, S.C.-based Kessick Wine Cellars. “They’re wine rooms.”
On the first floor of Anthony Casimano ’s 14,000-square-foot, Italian-villa-style home in Upper Brookville, N.Y., sits a 16-by-10-foot, climate-controlled glass box holding 1,500 bottles. It is the home’s centerpiece, and is viewable from the great room, the hallway and the kitchen.
“We thought it would be one of the highlights of the house,” said Mr. Casimano, 42, who owns a health-care software company called “It’s a big wow factor.” Below the glass cellar is a more traditional wood-and-brick version, holding up to 4,000 bottles. “It’s a hybrid between what my wife and I both like,” Mr. Casimano said.
Below the glass cellar in Mr. Casimano’s home is a more traditional wood-and-brick version. ‘It’s a hybrid between what my wife and I both like,’ he said.
Below the glass cellar in Mr. Casimano’s home is a more traditional wood-and-brick version. ‘It’s a hybrid between what my wife and I both like,’ he said. CLAUDIO PAPAPIETRO FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
By installing glass and raising the wine storage above ground, collectors like Mr. Casimano lose the relatively cool, constant temperatures that drove wine storage underground in the first place. To compensate, Mr. Casimano’s aboveground room is refrigerated 24 hours a day to keep the wine the ideal temperature, which his wine-room designer believes is between 59 and 61 degrees. And the glass has a coating to filter out UV rays. Mr. Casimano estimates the cost of building his first-floor wine room, plus the more traditional second wine room underneath, at about $120,000.
Mr. Casimano’s wine room as seen from the kitchen. The room is also viewable from the great room and the hallway.CLAUDIO PAPAPIETRO FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNALFor thousands of years, winemakers used the naturally mild temperatures found in caves, catacombs or deep holes to store wine in Iran, ancient Greece and other parts of Europe. While some wineries in Napa Valley and elsewhere continue the tradition of caves, growing numbers of homeowners are cooling their vino with artificial refrigeration and humidity control, which can regulate the environment with a few pressed buttons.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Find a Top Doc makes finding a doctor easy! Complete with patient reviews! Make appointments and more!
Check it out at

Monday, September 1, 2014

Multispecialty Group Practices - Mark Sivers Explains Why they areBeneficial

Multispecialty group practices cultivate an environment of high-quality care where physicians can consult with each other on rare cases or multiple medical problems. With enhanced communication between doctors this type of practice model is beneficial in more ways than just patient care and allows the practice to flourish.
Today we are talking with Dr. Mark Sivers about the benefits of group practice settings and why they are better for your health. Dr. Sivers is a general dentist who also serves as a scientific-dental consultant to legal firms and investment institutions. Dr. Sivers is a graduate of the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and has been included in Guide to America’s Top Dentists since 2012.

Bought to you by and Anthony Casimano

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sales Expert

As one of the co-founders of the incredibly thriving Find a Top Doc service, Anthony Casimano has been charged to implement and manage the national sales force extending this exceptionally efficient platform to doctors and healthcare providers across North America. He attributes his success with startups and running big organizations to his direct marketing and sales systems background that expanded into the infancy stages of the digital world in the mid 1990s.The elite marketing and sales abilities developed during those times of brilliant innovation and creativity have coined him as one of the pioneers of today’s digital marketing era. Furthermore, Anthony is a specialist in telephone speech, manner, and presentations, a vital component to success. He has a natural ability to identify what people want to hear and see, which has allowed him to operate with an edge over his competition.

Manage your online reputation


The FindaTopDoc Review Kiosk is the result of assiduous work on the part of the experts in SEO and online marketing. This is significantly different than just any other simple app in the field. It is a complete reputation management system with unlimited support. It is very similar to having a full-time marketing professional at your disposal to help you with all of your marketing and promotional needs. It is time for physicians to stop neglecting the business side of their work and treat themselves as a small business, which is what they are, in fact. Their reputation is the foundation of this approach and therefore it becomes a full time job itself. With the application that offers, doctors can focus on doing what they do best, being excellent doctors, and allow the kiosk to work on their online reputation management efficiently, securely, and conveniently.

- Anthony Casimano

Friday, August 22, 2014

Internet reviews aren't the future, they're the now!

With new healthcare technologies emerging every day and rapid scientific advances taking place at a fast pace, physicians are increasingly pressed to adapt to society’s changes and challenges and the escalating need to deliver effective patient care as patients have also grown more demanding and have developed higher expectations. Feeding positive patient reviews in real-time right from the office is what the Review Kiosk is all about. For more information about this new and exciting product launched, please visit - Anthony Casimano

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Marketing Expert

As an entrepreneur, Anthony Casimano demonstrates exceptional organizational and communication skills, which he employs to nurture a unique and extremely effective management style. Having employed thousands of people over the years, he possesses a strong ability to connect on a one-on-one basis with each and every one of his always loyal team. Anthony’s inviting warmth, as well as his instinct to feel responsible for others make new business contacts feel at ease and has also made him a good friend for many of his business associates. Very selective in his choice of new clients, he regularly receives requests through word-of-mouth to help businesses set up from zero to thriving companies. Anthony’s love and passion for what he does has led him to occasionally deliver small seminars to select groups on topics he masters, such as personal and business internet branding, marketing, and positioning. He teaches how to identify your brand objectives, and how to establish a plan to accomplish them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reviews Online

As the online world becomes more pervasive, reputations are increasingly built and managed on the Internet.
Your online reputation is serious business- you owe it to yourself to pay it some attention. - Anthony Casimano

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

FindaTopDoc Radio


Healthcare Over the Airwaves - FindaTopDoc Radio features top physicians and other healthcare professionals from around the globe; with host Anthony Figliola! (Bought to you by and Anthony Casimano)

Monday, August 18, 2014

For all the appointment needs of today's modern doctor!

Find a Top Doc is a web-based practice-management software integrated with server-based applications, syncing appointment calendars after driving patients via internet search traffic within a designated geographic area to a doctor’s real time available appointments. The mission is to ultimately give the offices the opportunity to maintain a full calendar and maximize their revenue. Established in 2008 in New York, Find a Top Doc has its roots back in 2005 when Anthony Casimano began identifying the needs of doctors as entrepreneurs. He was cognizant of the hard work, and years of schooling required to become a doctor, and then he thought, “I

t's hard enough for a Doctor to be a Doctor.”. That left him with some questions. When does a Doctor have time to run a business? When does a Doctor have time to establish and maintain his or her Internet presence, brand, and online reputation? These essential questions eventually contributed to the foundation of Find a Top Doc, a service where seeing a doctor is made simple, fast, and easy to work around patients’ schedule. In addition to helping millions of patients find and book doctor's appointments, FindaTopDoc is also a leading provider of valuable health information that helps empower patients, while enabling them to live a happier and healthier life. Booking a doctor on is always completely free and available to you 24 hours a day/7 days a week, from any location across the globe.

Please visit:

Saturday, August 16, 2014

FindatopDoc Review Kiosk!

fatd reviews logo-revised
Aimed at serving the physicians’ needs irrespective of healthcare specialty, the new Review Kiosk launched by and Anthony Casimano, is designed as a convenient, easy, in-office review system that acquires patient reviews in real-time immediately after an appointment. The kiosk is accessed by patients from a tablet placed on the checkout counter to get their reviews within seconds after their visit, which is the main reason why this particular application is thought to be revolutionizing, efficient, patient, friendly and leading-edge. With 72% of consumers trusting online reviews just as much as personal recommendations and 90% of people reading reviews when they want to buy a product or book a doctor’s appointment, it is of most importance that physicians are prepared to have enough positive reviews when patients are looking for them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Metro Data & Mailing Inc.

In 1995, Anthony Casimano became the President of Metro Data & Mailing Inc, also known as MDM. The Company provides complete direct mail, data processing and fulfillment services focusing on getting mail to target markets on time and on budget. MDM has been servicing the business, financial and non-profit sectors for nearly two decades. In that time, it has helped customers save on their marketing costs tremendously. MDM’s 20,000 sq. ft. facility handles any size campaign with the latest equipment and proven technology in direct mail production.
Please visit:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Online Reputation Management Made Easy

Collect reviews from the convenience of your own office. Easily syndicate your positive reviews across the web and social media - exactly where they need to be. - Anthony Casimano