Monday, August 24, 2015

The Cosmic Game – Reflections with Dr. Badri Rickhi

TopDoc Radio Logo PSD Badri RickhiThe Cosmic Game – Reflections, a book about spirituality with advice for those seeking to enhance their spiritual connection. The author, Dr. Rickhi shares his discoveries and approach for those who wish to explore their spirituality.
Dr. Badri Rickhi is a psychiatrist in the Department of Medicine at the University of Calgary. Due to his passion and hard work, Dr. Rickhi has many accomplishments which include:
  • appointed advisor to Health Canada on complementary therapies and with the World Health Organization
  • receiving the most prestigious award in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): the Dr. Rogers Prize.
  • holding the Research Chair position with the Canadian Institute of Natural and Integrative Medicine.
  • becoming a member of the Steering Committee of the Consortium of Academic Centers for Integrative Medicine
  • developed at home Spirituality Programs which have been scientifically investigated and published in peer-reviewed medical journals

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Your SEO Checklist: 4 Steps to Optimizing Your Website

1391472374-seo-checklist-4-steps-optimizing-website1391643953_jon-rogenrudIn his book Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Website, SEO and online marketing expert Jon Rognerud shows you how to build a high-performance website and get top ranking on all search engines. In this edited excerpt, the author outlines a broad strategy for successfully optimizing your website.
Step 1: Target Market Business Analysis
Website analysis. Analysis of meta sets/keywords, visible text and code to deter­mine how well you're positioned for search engines. For example, how much code do you have on a page compared to text?
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Thursday, August 6, 2015

10 Critical SEO Tips and Tricks for Small Businesses