Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Football-related concussion: A call for action

players-fallingIn 2012, emergency departments treated 325,000 teens for concussion in 2012, almost 40 an hour.
One blow to the head can be a problem, but additional blows increase the risk of catastrophic head injury, long-term neurological disability, and permanent brain damage.
Undetected and untreated, concussion and other kinds of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be fatal.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) started the "Heads Up" project in 2003 to raise awareness and provide training about TBI and concussion. In 10 years, they distributed more than 6 million copies of their materials, and trained over 1.5 million coaches online.
But concerns remain:

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Risks of Insufficient Sleep

thinkstockphotos-460212465-heroGetting a good night’s sleep is often more easily said than done. The realities of modern life mean that we have far more distractions and sleep stealers than ever before. We can work, shop, and bank 24 hours a day right from our living rooms.