Thursday, April 14, 2016

Foundations of a Resilient Medical Practice

As with anything else in this world, the only constant thing in the medical field is change. The profession is constantly evolving. Healthcare practitioners are leaning more and more towards evidence-based medicine, using top-grade researches and performance-based indexes to drive treatment and outcomes. At the same time, patients are also becoming more proactive in terms of managing their health, especially in the advent of health websites such as WebMD and MedScape. This leaves doctors in private practices wondering about the worth of the years they’ve spent in medical school and the essence of surviving residency.
There is always a certain amount of pressure to change in order to keep up with the trends of the healthcare industry today. And yet, there is also a fine line between evolving and losing the mission and vision of the practice over these changes. In order to build a medical practice that can ride the waves of the ever-evolving healthcare industry, it must be rooted in these five important anchors:

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